Friday, 29 June 2018

Steven Adam's Autobiograpy will be released in July

My Life My Fight, Steven Adam's autobiography will be released in July and we will be getting a copy for the library. In the meantime check out this article with his ghost writer.

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Review: Scythe

Scythe Scythe by Neal Shusterman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am a great admirer of Neal Shusterman's Unwind series so I was eager to read Scythe the first book in his new series. I was not disappointed. Shusterman has a knack for writing stories about a future which seems very believable and very close.
Scythe is set in Midmerica at a time when disease, hunger and poverty have been eliminated. The world is run by the Thunderhead an AI which started its existance as the Cloud. Death is no longer inevitable and so to control population growth Scythes have been created to "glean" citizens to reduce numbers.
Citra and Rowan have been chosen to be apprentice scythes, one will be ordained a scythe and their first act must be to glean the other.
Fabulous fast moving story, great characters. I am about to start book two Thunderhead.

View all my reviews

Monday, 11 June 2018

Matariki begins this Friday

Matariki, the Maori New Year begins this Friday (15 June) watch the story unfold