Kasi, Asmeret, Chimanda, Mrs Graham, Jordan, Liam, Jatinder, Yacov, Leon at bookclub today
Every week we meet up, see the new books the library has acquired and recommend books to each other. Hear what the (somewhat sarcastic) students have to say...
"Book club saved me from spiralling crippling depression and sadness. Book club filled the void of emptiness in my heart that's now filled with warmth and unity" - Jordan "the book worm"
"Book club is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. When I was young I used to get bullied for reading too much and the little kids used to hit me. Book club teaches me that I can be myself and read without shame. Let's go book club *clap clap clap*" - Jatinder "the book man"
"Bookclub has kept me to stay 2 days sober. It has helped me to become a better person. I continue to stay alcohol free with the help of book club so I can share my stories with the rest of the rehab/AA group http://www.aa.org.nz/ - Sean- "Binge book drinker"
"Book club is under rated!!!!! It is beneficial towards the improvement of my grades and also my involvement in school. I recommend this strongly towards anyone who wants to utilise their lunch time to further their own cerebral understanding of life itself from an infinite spectrum of perspectives." -Kasi Valu.
"Book club is the best place I have ever been to!!!!!!!!!!!Everyone is welcome and it fun to be in it:)"
Shamanda Time